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诚邀青年才俊加入44118太阳成城集团——Inviting Young Talents to ​Wuhan University School of Nursing







学院建有“护理模拟实验研究中心”,“综合模拟康复中心”,“灾难应对培训中心”三大实验平台,2016 年获批国家虚拟仿真实验教学中心,2019年被吴阶平医学基金会授予国内首批“护理模拟教学培训示范基地”,护理模拟教学已经成为国内该领域的标杆。3所附属医院为我校护理学科的发展提供了优质资源,共拥有2 个国家级临床护理重点专科、29 个省级专科护士培训基地和14个京外临床教学建设基地。


科学研究聚焦国家卫生与健康方面的重大需求,推动学科交叉融合。目前已经形成妇女健康、儿童照护、精神心理护理、慢病护理及老年护理五大研究方向。在女性健康与照护、婴幼儿养育与照护、精神健康与人工智能交叉学科研究、慢病护理模式挖掘与防控策略以及老年健康管理与长期照护方面凝聚了特色优势,产出了一批高水平学术成果。近5年获国家级课题 10项,省级课题50余项,研究经费近400余万元;发表 SCI/SSCI 论文100余篇,包括柳叶刀子刊、国际护理学顶刊等高水平成果。2018年软科中国最好学科排名我校护理学名列第6 位,2020年软科世界一流学科排名我校护理学科名列国内第4 位,2021年泰晤士高等教育中国学科评级我校护理学名列第7位,具有良好的社会声誉和国际影响力。







1. 青年学术带头人。括国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)入选者。

2. 固定教职教授、固定教职副教授。国家事业编制。



Inviting Young Talents to Wuhan University School of Nursing

1. Wuhan University School of Nursing

Wuhan University is a key comprehensive university directly under the Ministry of Education and one of the first "double first-class" construction universities, with a full range of disciplines and strong comprehensive, cross-fertilization of medical engineering, medical science, medical literature and medical management, with obvious characteristics.

After 90 years of great achievements, Wuhan University has formed a complete higher nursing education system and advanced nursing education concept, which has trained a large number of high-quality nursing professionals in Hubei and even in China. The College has always adhered to the construction idea of "returning to the origin of nursing education, serving the people's health needs and based on the frontier development of the discipline" to build a world-class and domestic leading nursing talent training base. It aims to cultivate future clinical nursing experts and nursing science researchers with strong job competency, outstanding clinical practice skills and scientific research ability, who are well-rounded in moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and laboring development.

There are three nursing labs including: "Nursing Simulation Experimental Research Center", "Comprehensive Simulation Rehabilitation Center", and "Disaster Response Training Center". In 2016, the college was approved as the National Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Center. In 2019, it was awarded as the first "Nursing Simulation Teaching and Training Demonstration Base" by Wu Jieping Medical Foundation. Nursing simulation teaching has become the benchmark in China. Three affiliated hospitals have provided quality resources for the development of nursing disciplines in the university. There are 2 national key specialties of clinical nursing, 29 provincial specialist nurse training bases and 14 clinical teaching construction bases outside Beijing.

The nursing school has a highly qualified faculty with excellent academic skills, strong innovation ability and reasonable age structure for the school of nursing. There are 22 full-time faculty members, including 3 professors, 1 chief nurse, 8 associate professors, 3 associate chief nurses, 1 associate research fellow and 15 master program  supervisors/mentors (including 5 doctoral program supervisors/mentors). Among the full-time faculties, 76% received doctorate degree and 80% have overseas study or visiting experience. We have made a breakthrough in the attraction and cultivation of high-level talents, one of them is a high-level talent of Hubei Province in the New Century, one is a Young Top Talent of Hubei Province, and one is employed as a Luojia Young Scholar for"351 Talent Program". At the same time, we also invite well-known nursing experts and interdisciplinary experts from domestic and abroad to serve as adjunct professors. Our school worked closely with 7 chief level staff and 71 associate chief level staff from three affiliated hospitals on scientific research projects and talent cultivation in nursing.

The scientific research focuses on the major needs of national health and wellness and promotes cross-fertilization of disciplines. Five major research centers have been formed in women's health, child care, psychiatric and psychological care, chronic disease care and geriatric care. We have developed distinctive strengths in women's health and care, infant and child care, mental health and artificial intelligence interdisciplinary research, chronic disease care model mining and prevention and control strategies, and geriatric health management and long-term care, and have produced a number of high-level academic results. In the past five years, it has been awarded 10 national and more than 50 provincial-level projects with research funding of nearly more than 4 million yuan, and has published more than 100 SCI/SSCI papers, including the Lancet Sub-Journal and the International Journal of Nursing, etc. In 2018, the college ranked 6th among the Soft science branch of China's best discipline rankings, and in 2020, ranked 4th. Our nursing department is ranked 7th in the Times Higher Education China Subject Ranking in 2021, with good social reputation and international influence.


II. Special Research Directions of the Nursing School

Childcare. Women's health. Psychiatric and psychological nursing. Chronic disease and rehabilitation nursing. Geriatric nursing. Emergency and Intensive Care Nursing / Anesthesia Specialized nursing. Sincerely welcome young talents from the fields of nursing, public health, management, mental health and psychology, health informatics, and those interested in cross-disciplinary research in nursing to join us.


III. Vacant positions

1.  Young Academic Leaders Including those selected by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Outstanding Young Scientists Program (Overseas).

2.  Professor and associate Professor. State career establishment.

3. Research faculty position/Teaching faculty position Including Researcher, Associate Researcher, and Lecturer. Refer to the career management, can apply for conversion to a fixed teaching position.


IV. Salary and Benefits

Wuhan University provides generous salary, welfare and support conditions, and is the first in the country to set up talent fund, currently amounting to more than 500 million yuan, specifically for the introduction of talent treatment support, providing comprehensive welfare and services for the introduction of talent.

1. Young Academic Leader position

(1) Provide a competitive salary, not less than 500,000 yuan/year before tax (excluding unit social insurance, provident fund and other welfares), and special outstanding can be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.

(2) Provide a maximum of 3.5 million yuan in relocation fees (including national and local support) or talent housing with good housing conditions in the central area of city, in addition to providing turnover housing or rental subsidies.

(3) In the fields of natural science, the university will provide research funding of 1-3 million yuan (excluding national and local support), with an uncapped ceiling for major scientific and technological research needs.

(4) Appointed to the post of Professor Level 4, awarded the qualification of doctoral supervisor, and guaranteed 1-2 doctoral student enrollments each year for four consecutive years.

(5) Assistance in spouse's employment; providing one-stop quality education resources for children from kindergarten to high school; three tertiary hospitals affiliated to the university and the school hospital provided quality medical services; one-stop quality services provided by functional departments


2. Other position benefits



         basic requirements

Basic   salary


Generally,   the age of the applicant should not exceed 45 years old, and applicant    should have obtained a permanent position at the corresponding level in a   domestic benchmark school or benchmark discipline, or have a formal teaching   or scientific research position in a top-ranked university or scientific   research institution overseas, or have obtained a doctoral degree overseas,   or have outstanding performance, or are urgently needed in the relevant   discipline. Reach the level of professors in the relevant first-class   disciplines in China.


250,000-600,000   yuan/year

Scientific   research funding 200,000-500,000 yuan

Settlement   fee 200,000-1,000,000 yuan

 Associate   professor

Generally,   the age of the applicant should not exceed 40 years old, and applicants     should have obtained a permanent position at the corresponding level in a   domestic benchmark school or benchmark discipline, or applicants should have   a formal teaching or research position in a famous university or research   institution overseas, or they should have obtained a doctoral degree   overseas, and their performance is particularly outstanding or they are in   urgent need by the relevant disciplines. Holding the position of associate   professor in relevant domestic first-class disciplines.


200,000-300,000   yuan/year

Scientific   research funding 150,000-200,000 yuan

Settlement   fee

200,000-500,000   yuan

 Researcher   fellow

 (appointment   period of 6-8 years)


Generally,   the age of the applicant should not exceed 40 years old, and the age requirement   may be less strict for outstanding applicants. Generally, applicants should hold   the professor position in the relevant discipline field of our university in   the current year, and have the potential to compete with new professors or   personnel of the same level in benchmark

Schools   / disciplines; applicants are able to oversee the discipline developing trend,   with the ability and skills to lead scientific team to carry out high-level   scientific research work, which can be transferred to a permanent position.


250,000-400,000   yuan/year

Scientific   research funding not less than 200,000 yuan

3500   yuan/month for rental subsidy or on-campus turnover housing

 Associate   research fellow

(appointment   period of "3+3" years)

The   age of the applicant should not exceed 35 years old, and may be relaxed for   particularly outstanding applicants. Generally, the applicant should reach   the academic level of associate professor promoted in the relevant   disciplines in the same year, and have the strength and development potential   to compete with new associate professors or personnel of the same level in   benchmark schools/disciplines. The applicant may be transferred to a permanent   position.


200,000-300,000   yuan/year

Scientific   research funding not less than 100,000 yuan

2500   yuan/month for rental subsidy or on-campus turnover housing


(appointment   period of "3+3" years)

Age   should not exceed 35 years old in general, and not exceed 30 years old for   recent PhD graduates, with appropriate relaxation for particularly   outstanding applicants. Generally, applicants should have the strength and   development potential to compete with new lecturers or staff of the same   level in benchmark schools/disciplines. Applicants for teaching-oriented and   appointment-based lecturers should have the ability to carry out high-quality   teaching. May be transferred to a permanent position.


150,000-200,000   yuan/year

Scientific   research funding 50,000- 100,000 yuan

2500   yuan/month for rental subsidy or on-campus turnover housing


(1) Generous living arrangements: provide internationally competitive salary package, talent housing or settlement fee depending on the actual situation, and also provide turnover housing or rental subsidy.

(2) Adequate financial support: according to the specific needs of discipline development or scientific research of the appointee, we will provide sufficient start-up funds for scientific research.

(3) Complete resource allocation: provide good public research platform, office space and research space; provide special graduate student enrollment indicators as appropriate.

(4) Perfect service guarantee: provide children with one-stop quality education resources from kindergarten to high school; three tertiary hospitals attached to the school and the school hospital provide quality medical service guarantee; functional departments provide one-stop quality service.

Welcome inquiries and applications from young scholars from home and abroad.

V. Contact Methods

Tel: +86-027-68758908

Contact: Xiumei Deng

Tel: +86-027-68789769

Contact: Aijing Xu

Email: whuhlxy@whu.edu.cn

Address: Administrative Office, School of Nursing, Wuhan University, 115 Donghu Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China (4th Floor, Building 2, Faculty of Medicine).

